Data Story 5 Questions
Soo, basically I've been bopping around on my Data Story I idea, and while I still like it, I think I might put it on the back burner for now until I can find the best way to wrangle its data. In the meantime, I have become distracted by these data sheets someone has crafted in reaction to Trump's ban this weekend. While I now know how to collect this data myself, someone else compiled the tweets on the U.S. State Senators and Governors in reaction to Trump's bad and labeled them according to their nature (mainly opposed or in support, with some variations on the two). This was immediately very exciting for me and I used the Table Capture to copy the data and start examining it in Excel which lead me to a whole slew of questions, and so I decided since i was already doing that work, why not make it the basis of my Data Story.
For this blog assignment I wanted the data to answer the following questions:
1.How many democratic senators were anything other than opposed (ex. silent, opposed but only on specifics, etc.)
2.How many republican senators were opposed?
3.What percentage of republican senators was opposed?
4.What percentage of women senators and/or governors was opposed?
5.What percentage of U.S. senators have/use Twitter?
To go about answering these questions I did the following:
1. For this one all I had to do was sort my original data by party and there were so few I could simply count, so the pivot table was not necessary. Answer: All were opposed and three went to their airports to protest.
2. & 3. So I did these at the same time by creating a pivot table with "Party" and "Opposed/Silent" in the Rows section and Count of Opposed/Silent and a % of parent in the values section. This gave me the counts and percentage of Twitter using senators. Answer: 11 republican senators (out of 43) were opposed, a.k.a. 25.58% were opposed
4. This was a little tougher because gender was not included in this data, so even though this isn't the best thing to do, I manually created a gender column. I did this for the senators only, and found that of the 19 women senators on Twitter, 15 of them were opposed and another was "skeptical." Answer: 78.95% of women senators were opposed and 56.13% of men were opposed. This is not to say causation, it is just an observable correlation, but the party is another correlation that may play an important role in this correlation.
5. This was simple after receiving the count so it was just 43/50x100 Answer: 86% of U.S. Senators use Twitter.
Here is my work